Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent

Why An Independent Insurance Agent Is Right For You--
While you turn to Auto, Home, and Business insurance for peace of mind, and as a safeguard you hope to never need—the agency you select is just as important as the coverage you select. If you have never considered the benefits of, or difference between, an independent insurance agent, and an agent who is employed by a nationwide insurance brand—than the information below is excellent food for thought.

The Freedom To Choose --
When you work with an independent insurance agent, you obtain the freedom to choose from insurance policies that meet your specific needs. This is because independent agents have access to a wide range of insurance companies—so you are not locked into the policies and options that a singular insurance brand offers.

More Price Points To Consider--
When you work with an insurance agent who represents a singular brand, they may only have a handful of policies and price points for you to choose from. However, an independent agent has a multitude of brands that they work with—many of whom offer competitive pricing for quality insurance. This means you may be able to reduce your monthly spending, or increase your amount of coverage—for the same monthly price point.

Personalized Coverage--
Not only do you have the freedom to choose when you work with an independent insurance agent, but you will have access to policies designed to meet your specific needs. Insurance, just as with anything in life, is not a “one-size-fit-all” equation—but when you work with a larger brand, the one-size-fits-all mentality is applied in the vast majority of cases. When working with your independent agent, they know the right questions to ask to personalize your insurance to ensure that it prioritizes your specific risks and concerns.

Unbiased Selection--
While all insurance agents goal are to sell their insurance plans, an independent agent is not committed to a singular insurance provider—meaning that they can offer you a truly unbiased opinion about each policy and company they recommend you to. For example, they may advise that it is best to pay a little more per month to work with a more reputable insurance company, or they may advise you to companies you may not have considered in the past, who offer the same coverage you currently possess—but at a price that is much more appealing.

Personalized Service--
When an event occurs in which you will need to file an insurance claim, the stress of the event can be overwhelming enough. On top of this increased level of stress, you now have to file an insurance claim, and navigate your way through the claim process. However, if you work with an independent insurance agent, they will do more than send an adjuster to assess damages—but they will be with you every step of the way, helping you to obtain a fair settlement. This alone is worth its weight in gold!

As a Trusted Choice Independent Agent, we have taken a a pledge to offer our clients the broadest selection of products along with the most competitive pricing. We are committed to our customers and not one specific insurance company. Unlike the national "captive" agents, we can negotiate coverages and pricing with multiple carriers to make sure that our clients are getting the most value with their insurance coverage. 

While branded insurance companies have more to invest in their marketing budget—and are therefore more visible, independent insurance agents can provide you with the personalized service that is lacking in the insurance industry. Hopefully you will not need to utilize your insurance, but with an independent agent you can rest assured that your Home, Car, or Business is in good hands.